Thursday, January 5, 2012

Two Theives

We all know that noone knows the mind of God and why He does things, but we can't help but wonder sometimes. For example, what about the two thieves being crucified with Jesus? Have you ever wondered why God decided to open the eyes of one of the thieves just before death? We know it was God the Father who opened his eyes because Jesus said no one could come to him unless the Father draws him ( John 6:44 ). And Matthew 27:44 tells us that both thieves insulted Jesus with the rest of the people, so they didn't believe in Jesus up to the point of crucifixion. Jesus didn't ask them to repent, so it wasn't like they were given any sort of choice to make. So no one but God could've opened the eyes of one thief and not the other at such a time. But why? Wonder why God opened the eyes of one thief and not the other and why did He do it just hours before his death instead of during his lifetime? Again, no one knows the mind of God, but what if He did things that way to prove 2 different points?
#1) He will have mercy on who He will have mercy (Romans 9:15-16) and
#2) believing in Jesus, the Son of God, and not works is the ONLY WAY to salvation (Ephesians 2:8-10)
We already know the thief lived his life as a thief and we know he was insulting Jesus along with everyone else while on the cross and after he was crucified there was no chance for him to do good works; yet Jesus told him that he would be with Him in Paradise. (Luke 23: 39-43)
Only God knows what the reasons were for that set up. But, we, ourselves can be sure that it didn't happen like that by accident. Selah!

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