Sunday, January 8, 2012

Filling in the Gap: Rebuttal to the DUHvincie Code

Have you ever wondered what Jesus did between the ages of 12 and 30? It's human nature to be curious, but some people's curiosity has led to blasphemous lies and imaginations. The most popular is that Jesus had a son with Mary Magdalene. It is a fact that people who teach or believe these things don't deny the Bible, else where do they get names, places and time frames for their delusional stories? For whatever hidden agenda they have for believing and teaching such blasphemies, one thing they seem to take pride in is they have cracked the codes of the Bible. What they don't understand is the Bible is a guide book for God's children and only His children will understand it because they have Holy Spirit, that Spirit of Truth; living inside of them. The Bible is not coded. It just seems that way to the spiritually dumb and blind.
For those of us who do have the honor of having Holy Spirit, let's see where His Truth leads us in filling the gap of Jesus ' life between the ages of 12 and 30.
First, we need to start with Jesus ' beloved disciple who Da Vinci code followers say is the son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Who do you think the beloved disciple was? Some people think it was Peter, but the truth is that the beloved disciple was John, the brother of James, and Zebedee was their dad. Jesus called these brothers "sons of thunder". (Mark 3:17)
We know John was the beloved disciple two ways:
(1) John 21:20-24 says: Then Peter, turning about, seeing the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on His breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him, saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith to him, if I will that he tarry til I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, he shall not die: but, if I will that he tarry til I come, what is that to thee? This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things.....
(2) The beginning of the book of John says: The Gospel according to John. Since we know Peter was not the beloved disciple, and we know the beloved disciple wrote and witnessed the things in the book of John, and the book of John is the Gospel according to John, then John was the beloved disciple.
Now let's move to the foot of the cross. Those who believe the beloved disciple was the son of Jesus and Mary Magdalene claim proof is at the foot of the cross when Jesus told the two to behold one another. John 19:26 plainly says Jesus was talking to His own mother when He said: "Woman behold thy son". Yes, Jesus was telling her to behold the disciple who He loved. But since Mary was Jesus ' mother and Jesus called the beloved disciple her son, wouldn't that make the beloved disciple Jesus ' brother? But how is that even possible seeing Mary had no children named John? Matthew 14:56 and Mark 6:3 says Jesus had four brothers named James, Joseph (Joses), Simon and Judah. John 7:1-5 says Jesus ' brothers didn't believe in Him, so His brothers were certainly not His disciples. So how was John Jesus ' brother? Matthew 12:49-50 says that whosoever does the will of the Father, is Jesus ' mother, brother and sister. John was Jesus ' brother because he believed in him.
Now let's look at Mary Magdalene. Davince code followers believe that Mary was flirty and followed after Jesus in a slutty way. Afterall, she was an adultress, right? And according to them, he fell for her and thus produced a son. First of all, she was not the adulteress brought before Jesus as he wrote in the sand. The adulteress had no name mentioned. (John 8:3-4). Mark 16:9 and Luke 8:2 says Mary Magdalene followed Jesus because he had cast seven devils out of her. She followed Jesus out of mere gratitude for being set free. Keeping this in mind, Matthew 3:16-17, 4:1, Luke 3:22-23 and John 2:11 let's us know that Jesus didn't receive power or at least receive authority from the Father to use his power until he was baptized at around the age of 30 and turning water into wine was the beginning of his miracles. So Jesus was not at anytime before his baptism casting out demons, which means he didn't meet Magdalene until after his baptism. The book of John reveals that Jesus ' ministry only lasted approximately 3 years simply by the number of Passovers Jesus attended. ( John 2:11-13, 6:4 and John 11:55). So this means that Jesus could've only known Magdalene for at most 3 years.
Now, let's go back to the foot of the cross. John 19: 25-27 says Jesus was talking to His mother Mary and His beloved disciple who we know was John. But, verse 27 also says " from that hour that disciple took Mary unto his own house". So if, as some would like to believe, Jesus and Magdalene had a son, he would've only been at most a little over 2 years of age. Now ask yourself this question. With all the facts laid out, how is it possible for a child, who at most could've been 2 years old have a house of his own or be able to take care of his mother?
The bottom line is that the beloved disciple was John and Jesus turned his mother Mary over to his care as he hung on the cross. But what does all of this have to do with what Jesus did during the ages of 12 and 30? By proving who the beloved disciple was and who he was not, and knowing the truth about Mary Magdalene shows what Jesus didn't do during those years which was get married or have a secret affair and have a son. And knowing that Jesus turned his mother over to John's care at the cross shows that Joseph left the picture sometime after Jesus was 12 years old which tells us what Jesus did do during those years.
Luke 2:42-52 tells us about when Jesus was 12 years old , how he went with Mary and Joseph to Jerusalem. After Mary and Joseph left Jerusalem, they were a whole day's journey and realized Jesus was not with them. So, they had to go back and after 3 days found him in the temple. After this incident, Joseph is not mentioned anymore other than to associate him with Jesus when people were trying to figure out who he was or prove who he wasn't. (Mat13:55, John 6:42). Jesus ' mother and brothers followed him around ( John 2:12). When Mary needed something she and her other sons would go looking for Jesus (Matthew 12:46, Luke 8:20 and Mark 3:32). If Joseph was around would Mary not have been home with him instead of following Jesus around? We could assume that since Joseph was a carpenter he was out of town a good bit leaving Mary with the time to follow Jesus. But if that were the case she would have never went to John's house. Also, if Joseph was still living he would've spoke up for Jesus when he was arrested and he would've stood by Mary at the cross. Acts 1:14 speaks of Mary and Jesus ' brethren with the disciples in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, but no Joseph. If Joseph was around it would've been recorded somewhere. But it wasn't. So since Joseph was gone, Jesus, being the first born stepped up as man of the house. James 1:27 says pure religion and undefiled before God. to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions. Who better to set an example of this than Jesus taking care of his mother the widow and his siblings, the fatherless?
Luke 2:52 says after the incident in Jerusalem when Mary and Joseph had to go back for Jesus in the temple that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Jesus wouldn't have increased in favor with God if he had married or had an affair with Mary Magdalene because God didn't send him here to marry and an affair would've made Jesus a sinner which would've kept him from being the spotless sacrifice he was sent here to be.
So there you have it. The gap has been filled with facts from God's word. No marriage, no scandalous affair and no secret son. Just God's son working as a carpenter and taking responsibility as man of the house while patiently waiting to fulfill the purpose that brought him here which was to die in our sins and suffer the wrath of the Father so we don't have to.

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