Sunday, January 8, 2012

Creation:The Great Metaphor

Romans 1:20 says: For the invisible things of him (God) from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
This is saying that even if we don't believe in God, we are still without excuse because we have personally witnessed Him through creation.
He is not creation, He is not in creation as being part of it; He is the creator of creation. However within His creation He has not only give us proof that He is, but He has given us glimpses of Himself.
The great and high mountains show His majesty and strength. A never ending galaxy represents His eternal existence. The air we breathe is a metaphor of His invisible yet very real presence.
The roar of a lion, the mighty winds of a tornado, the inescapable force of a tsunami, the quaking of the earth that shakes the foundations of and crumbles the strongest buildings , the explosion of lightning as it dances across the sky and even the uncontrollable flight of the dandelion shredded quickly to pieces by a gentle breeze gives us a tiny glimpse of God's awesome unmatched power. A power to be feared as well as respected. Yet, an un- erupting volcano, the boundaries of the crashing waves, the thunderstorm that falls apart; never reaching Its devastating potential, the giant hurricane that speeds fiercely toward land only to turn back to sea, leaving behind much needed rain are all swift glances into the mercies of God by showing us how He can and does hold back His justified wrath.
But when the volcano does erupt and the storm aggressively comes together and when the hurricane does make landfall leaving devastating floods behind; these are simple yet unforgettable reminders that we are not, as we have illusioned ; in control after all.
A meteor shower in the midst of all that simply hangs from nothing, seemingly still; yet forever in motion proves that the power of God, not gravity holds all things in place ( Colossians 1:17) , else how could a meteor fall from the same space where the entire galaxy has remained in place since the beginning of time?
The sun represents the glory of the Father while the moon in full glow represents His Son Jesus. The one who brings light into the darkness. Holy Spirit is represented by the continuous flow of waterfalls, creeks, streams and rivers; while legions of angels are represented by the countless number of stars in the heavens.
And then there is mankind. The image of God Himself. Mind, body and Soul.
Yes, we are definitely left without excuse if we don't believe in God and His Son Jesus because He has given of Himself the greatest metaphor of all. His creation.

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